Does your golden retriever have less pep in her step? Is your Yorkie barking more than usual? Perhaps it’s her chakras! First of all, have her checked over by your veterinarian for any medical issues. If she receives a clean bill of health, the next thing I recommend is to look for issues in her energy field. You may not be able to see this field, but it can often be the source of — and solution to — unusual physical, emotional and behavioral issues in your canine companion.
Chakras are a main component of the energy field. They are spinning vortices of energy (or energy centers) located within the body and emanating outwards. They are the vehicle through which your dog absorbs and assimilates vital life force energy. This energy is then filtered throughout the chakra system. When there are imbalances or blockages in the chakras, it can inhibit assimilation, resulting in physical, emotional or behavioral symptoms.
Diagnosing chakra imbalances
While I recommend you consult a professional for this, you can also learn to do it yourself.
Intuition: If you’re intuitive, you can tune in to the energy field of your dog and determine which chakras are out of balance, or contain blockages.
Surrogate muscle testing: If you are skilled at muscle testing (applied kinesiology), you can test your dog’s chakras using a surrogate, or by self-testing. Using one of your dog’s muscles isn’t an option.
Dowsing: If you’re an adept dowser, you can assess your dog’s chakras using a pendulum, either right above the body, or on a chakra chart. Be sure to specifically ask for the “energy of the chakra”, since dowsing can measure a myriad of different energies.
Sensing energy with your hands: Another way to determine chakra blockages or imbalances is through your hands. This requires a keen sensitivity to energy which I believe can be developed by anyone, with practice. Once adept, simply hold your hand over each individual chakra to determine any imbalance or blockage.
Tools for chakra healing
There are a number of ways to clear chakra imbalances. Hands-on healing is done by placing the hands on the chakra and healing it, using one or more of the tools listed below. Distance healing can be done anywhere from a few feet to a few continents away from the dog, again using one or more of the tools listed below.
Intention: This is the most powerful healing tool you have, and all you really need in order to heal. I create an intention with an accompanying positive statement.
Radionics: This method involves sending particular frequencies to the dog to promote healing. It can be done with a radionics machine, or through your own energy field (with training).
Visualization: This is another powerful healing tool. Visualize the chakra coming into perfect balance with all blockages being released.
Color: Picture the chakra’s color (see sidebar) overlying the dog’s chakra and clearing out all imbalances and blockages.
Crystals: Each chakra is associated with a number of resonant crystals that can be used to heal it. For example, amethyst resonates with and can be used to heal the crown chakra.
Pendulum: You can use a pendulum to both determine a chakra imbalance or blockage – and bring it back into balance. Simply hold it over the chakra, manually make it swing in a clockwise direction, and continue to do so until you feel the chakra is balanced.
Spirit animals: This is a more shamanic approach. Each chakra has a related spirit animal; you can call in the spirit of that animal to heal the chakra.
Stimulation: Weak chakras can be stimulated by various activities such as exercise, bathing or massage, depending on the chakra.
In-depth chakra healing involves more than we can cover in this article, but these suggestions will help get you started. With further learning and practice, you can become adept at assessing, clearing and balancing your dog’s chakras. It’s another valuable tool for keeping her healthy and happy.
A rainbow of healing
In humans, there are seven major chakras. Dogs have eight, the extra one being the sensing chakra. This is one reason why your dog can hear and smell much better than you can.Dogs have both major and minor chakras, but for the purposes of this article we are going to concentrate solely on the eight major ones.
Root (or base) — related to physical world issues including grounding, survival instinct, pecking order, security, trust, courage and patience
Sexual progression (or sacral) — all aspects of procreation, assimilation of food, physical life force, vitality and sexual organs
Solar plexus — center of personal power and will, physical communication with humans
Heart — divine and unconditional love, the human/animal bond, energizes the blood and physical body with the life force
Throat — all aspects of communication and creative expression, especially conscious communication with intent; also relates to truth, knowledge and wisdom
Sensing — sensory intake and transmission of sensory information to the brain; it’s how dogs filter experiences, and deal with any and all sensory stimuli (seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and feeling)
Third eye (or Brow) — psychic insight and telepathy – the way animals communicate, also related to soul realization and concentration; this chakra is very developed in most animals
Crown — relates to the life force connection and oneness with the infinite, connection with the divine, divine wisdom, understanding, selfless service, perception beyond space and time
Coccyx or base of the tail
Lower abdomen or navel area
On back at mid-spine
Front and center of chest
At the throat
Bridge of the nose between nose tip and eyes
Center of forehead above the eyes
Top of head
Green or pink
Sky blue
Silver blue
Indigo blue
Possible imbalance
Insecurity, fear, lack of trust, blood and bone disorders, arthritis
Spay, neuter and breeding issues, confidence issues, weakness, low energy
Digestive issues, depression, eating disorders, epilepsy, fading puppy syndrome, fear, lack of confidence, immune system issues, obsessions, nervousness
Anger, aggression, arthritis, blood disorders, emotional issues, inability to bond, abused and rescue animal issues, stress related asthma
Depression, excessive or lack of vocalization, vocal problems, metabolism issues, teething, thyroid issues, lack of discernment
Over or under-reacting to events, noises and circumstances, imbalances of the eyes, ears, nose, tail etc., docked tails, blindness, deafness, inappropriate elimination, aggression, intolerance, timidity
Headaches, depression, concentration issues, hair loss, hearing loss, hyperactivity, post-traumatic pain, skin allergies
Grief, depression, disorientation, eyesight issues, fear, headaches, panic attacks, pining, senility, separation anxiety, stress, tension
Disclaimer: Chakra healing is not a substitute for regular veterinary care.